Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life In The Matrix

If we were to plot some recent news on a New York magazine style PopKosher Approval Matrix, where Highbrow and Lowbrow scale the Y-axis and Brilliant and Despicable span the X-axis, it might look something like this:

Last week, celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton toured the homeland with his mother and blogged about it in a 5-part series.  Part 5 is the best, but do yourselves a favor and don’t read the comments.  Always the polite and genteel country, Israel reciprocated with some of that famous Middle Eastern hospitality. 

Typically his obnoxious, crass comments about celebrities and doodles on their unflattering paparazzi shots are the trash reserved for the workday afternoon doldrums.  But, his solid hasbara has earned him a firm spot near Brilliant.

And in the other corner we have Jewish darling, Natalie Hershlag/Portman who recently announced her shotgun wedding to Benjamin Millepied.  Her failure to swallow the red pill, the blue pill, or The Pill has given her a bellyful of trouble and earned her a spot in the northwest quadrant of The Matrix.  We are shocked!  This is so not the Natalie we don’t know at all and have never spoken to.  Regardless, mazel tov!

But this is PopKosher and not PopIsrael or PopIntermarriage.  So here is Natalie keeping it kind of kosher on Top Chef last year when she guest judged an all-vegetarian challenge.  She eats clean, but her mind is dirty.  Maybe we shouldn't be so surprised after all. 

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